Optimum Antenatal

Optimum Antenatal is a series of antenatal small-group workshops, run for expectant parents. There are four workshops. Each workshop lasts around 2 hours and will have a maximum of 8 participants.

You can book all 4 workshops for £50 or book individual workshops for £15 each. Each workshop booking is for the pregnant parent and one other person. However, if you have more than one person you would like to attend, let me know and I will endeavour to arrange this.

Workshop 1 - How Birth Works
What happens during a normal birth? How our environment, and what we do during labour, affects how things progress, and what can we do to try and optimise the natural birth process. Includes where we give birth, who we give birth with, birthing positions, pain relief options, birth hypnosis and more.

Workshop 2 - If things don't go to plan
Your options if things get a little more complicated. Includes gestational diabetes, Group B Strep, breech or transverse babies, induction of labour, caesarean birth and more.

Workshop 3 - Once Baby's Here (Part 1)
Feeding (breast/chestfeeding and alternatives including bottle and cup feeding and formula feeding) expressing, nursing bras, where to get feeding help and support.  Night feeds and safe sleeping.

Workshop 4 - Once Baby's Here (Part 2)
Disposable nappies, cloth nappies, how to change a nappy. Poo! What's normal and what's not? What to look for in a sling and how to use slings safely.

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